Baby Registry Must Haves
Updated:Â Jan 21

Photo was right after our 22 week appointment, when we found out our first was a boy!
This post was inspired by 2 of my friends asking what I had on my registry…within a few days of each other! After 3 kids, I definitely went through all of the stages…with number 1, I registered for everything. Of course I did, I was excited and couldn’t wait to nest! I very quickly discovered how unnecessary that was, as we quickly ran out of space in our Hoboken apartment. While I will list all of the things that I think are “essential” or maybe I should just say, are nice to have around; I will preface it by saying, if you can borrow a majority of it, do it! Baby’s are so different; what one loves, another might hate and this stuff isn’t cheap. It can also be bulky and take up a lot of space! Some items are worth the investment, a stroller for instance or a crib…but that $500 mamaroo? Borrow it. Ok, here’s my list, broken down by category. [At the end of the post, I will include some helpful ideas for the baby shower!]
[Pro Tip: Some stores; Target, Amazon and Buy Buy Baby, to name a few, offer completion discounts if you register with them. So, once the shower is over, you can buy anything you went that’s remaining and receive anywhere from 10-20% off. So, think about that before you head to Babylist. I am not sure if they offer that, but they may!]
Bassinet [and then whatever mattress and sheets go with it]
Mattress Protector [x2]
Sheets [x3 for home + 2 for daycare, if that’s in your future and they’ll be in a crib there]
Toddler Pillow [For when they’re approx. 18 mos-2]
Aquarium [It’s not cute but all of my kids have used and love this thing bc they can turn it on and off themselves when they get older to self soothe]
Monitor [This is the only monitor I’ve found with a split screen feature. The quality is amazing and I’ve had it now for over 3 years. No WIFI too, which is a plus]
Humidifier [I have and love this one bc it has a tray for oils]
Bottles [5 and 9oz] This starter kit gives you a bottle brush too!
Drying Rack [I personally used a few and this was my favorite, easy to clean and things don’t fall all over]
Baby Brezza [I know nothing about these except that my friend swears by hers]
Feeding for 6 mos+
Boppy Pillow [I prefer this over the Breastfriend bc it’s less work to use it in a pinch and also serves other purposes like to prop baby up when lounging or learning to sit]
Nipple Shield [You might never need it, but you’ll want it on hand if you do]
Breast Pump [You can usually get a free one through your insurance but if you can’t, I HIGHLY recommend this one…I have tried Medela [hated], Spectra, which I also love but they’re big and this Ameda; this one is just the smallest and so convenient without compromising hospital grade and quality]
Breast Pads [I love these disposable ones bc they’re soft and you’ll go through them fast]
Nursing Cover [I never used one, I just tied a swaddle around my neck or lifted my shirt]
Changing Pad [I personally prefer a change top on the dresser with caddy]
Diapers [I always used Pampers Swaddlers and did Amazon Subscribe & Save. Cheapest I’ve found]
Wipes [Amazon Subscribe & Save]
Wipes For Travel [Pop Top]
Medicated Powder [Heals diaper rash faster and better than ANY cream; I only use on a rash, not daily]
Walker [This one is anti tip, too wide for doorways and has a rug guard; it’s the one we used and loved]
Mom Hooks [I use this in addition to the hooks below; somehow you always need more]
Oxo Hooks [I have these exact ones and I’m going on 6 years with them…they’ve carried full grocery trips through Hoboken and are still going strong!]
Stroller [This is my second stroller and I wish I got it off the bat. I rank it higher than the Vista for so many reasons, it should be it’s own blog post; all practical, just trust me on all fronts]
Adapter [For whatever infant seat you get; I linked Britax bc it’s a popular choice for an infant seat]
Stroller Gloves [I have these exact ones and they’re just as good as the pricey ones]
Car Seat – Infant [This is the one we have]
Convertible Carseat [Goes through 65 lbs and high back booster; Bert is 5 and still uses this]
Booster [For when they outgrow the highback booster but still need a boost. Can buckle themselves with shoulder seatbelt]
White Onesies [I would only do a few NB and focus on 3-12mos]
Body Wash [I have a kid with sensitive skin and bouts of eczema, so I LOVE this stuff!]
First Aid [I got a whole kit but only used 3 things in it, so I just broke down the items below]
Thermometer [I’m sure there’s a million but this has been the best for us over the years]
Lubricant for rectal thermometer
Nail Clippers [I’ve tried all the fancy kinds and these were always my favorite]
Pop ‘n Go Tent [This is a game changer. Sets up in seconds and has a door & roof to protect from the sun.] You can use code KELLI for an extra 15% off!
Pack ‘N Play Mattress [if it’s something you’ll be using often]
Diaper Bag [I’ve had several diaper bags and this one is my favorite]
Lobster Chair [This is the one we’ve had for all 3 kids. Durable, so easy to clean and super sturdy]
Now for some baby shower tips!
Have a diaper depot or raffle where you ask people to bring diapers of varying sizes to enter a raffle for a gift. You can include a little note in the invitation assigning a brand and size to make it easier, so you ensure you don’t get all NB and no size 1.
You can also ask people to bring a book signed inside, rather than a card and start the baby’s library!

Photo is a selfie I took of me and our second son, in the hospital.
You’re going to blink and the registry process will be a thing of the past and you’ll be holding your little bundle of joy in your arms! Rest assured, you’ll be totally prepared if you go off of the list above! Congrats on your blessing and enjoy every second!
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